Workplace Safety – Know When to Say When
- Category: Blog
As an electrical contractor, you take great pride in your work and often feel there isn't a job you can't tackle. However, it's important to recognize your limits and adhere to the training you've received.
Let's face it; some jobs require specific knowledge and experience. That's why it's crucial to pause and reassess a situation if there's any doubt about the task at hand or the procedure's requirements.
The paramount concern on the job is ensuring everyone can return home safely after a fair day's work. To achieve this, it's essential to ask yourself:
- Have I received proper training to safely complete this job task?
- Have I previously performed this task, and do I possess the necessary training and experience?
- Do I have the appropriate tools for this job?
- Is the hierarchy of risk controls being followed to ensure preventive and protective measures are in place?
- Has a thorough risk assessment been conducted?
- Are all conductors and circuit parts in an electrically safe working condition?
- Are these parts adequately guarded to minimize the risk of electrical contact or arcing faults?
- Have all relevant procedures and job planning steps been completed?
- Am I confident in completing this job without endangering myself or others?
Electricians must be aware of the limits of their qualifications. It's acceptable to speak up and delegate a job task to a more qualified worker if you're uncertain about having the necessary expertise to complete it safely.
Knowing when to step back can save lives, both yours and those of your colleagues.